Waiter, Death Please.

Join Rodney Palmer as he interviews the proponents and the opponents of death by your doctor in Canada: Dr. Joel Zivot, Anesthesiologist and ICU Physician; Dr. Georges L’Espérance, President, Right to Die With Dignity Quebec; Angelina Ireland, Executive Director, Delta Hospice Society; and Nicole Scheidl, Executive Director, Canadian Physicians for Life.


10 responses to “Waiter, Death Please.”

  1. nan stlouis Avatar
    nan stlouis

    I have a friend whose son has been approved for MAID, pending the amendment to the law. He suffers from depression. He is 25. He has only been under treatment for 5 years, when help is available. Which it isn’t. Our health care system has failed it’s citizensz

  2. Rebecca McCullough Avatar
    Rebecca McCullough

    I think you should speak to your friend’s son and tell him how he has been going through life, not understanding the depth of Gods love for him BEFORE IT’S TO LATE. There is a God that loves us. The world always tries to bury this fact but Jesus is the only way to salvation and a life with purpose …

  3. D'Arcy Surrette Avatar
    D’Arcy Surrette

    No death penalty for inmates. Just the vulnerable.

  4. D'Arcy Surrette Avatar
    D’Arcy Surrette

    My parents wanted to live while in the so-called care home in Sydney, B.C..
    However, they drugged everyone including my parents to the point that we were unable to wake them. Shortly after, they were unable to walk.
    This home and the killer Dr. Marsh refused our wish for resuscitation and placed them on DNR.
    When my dad was taken to the “Victoria General Hospital” Emergency, the young doctor said that he would not resuscitate my dad, regardless what we wanted.
    We live in a society in which doctors and hospitals would rather let you die and defy family wishes.

  5. Remember only GOD is in control of our lives and Soul. To take our lives or be assisted is murder and we will have to account for that?

  6. as I recall there was a famous politician in Germany that believed in helping the mentally & physically infirm die in dignity

    I think the Name was Hitler

  7. as is always the case, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

    it is insane to give the tools & assume they will only be used for good

    they never should have legalized MAID here in Canada & now pushing it as a service, it should have been decriminalized for doctors in extreme cases when someone requests it & thus Democide is not turned into a for profit industry.

  8. Alexandra Avatar

    Very scary scenario in Canada.
    Any doctor who considers MAID is not an honourable person or doctor.

  9. A senior couple applied a few months ago for MAID, and although the husband was suffering from various health issues, the wife wasn’t. But she didn’t want to be alone, so somehow MAID allowed her to qualify as well. Both died together on a Sunday. I tried to talk to them a few days prior about Jesus and what to expect if they were to die without Him, but the man responded, “We aren’t religious” and walked away. In that retirement home, residents are becoming increasingly accepting of this practice as it becomes normalized among health care professionals.

  10. Lucette Gourley Avatar
    Lucette Gourley

    To you, I say Hello,
    I’m Lucette leaving in Montreal(French speaking). I think I understood must of the stories.
    It makes me so sad… always sad… to hear about those people who had chosen the MAID.
    There are so many of those… all over Canada, I guess.
    Thanks to let us know about the very bad problem in Canada.
    May God bless you always.
    Lucette Gourley

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