Delta Hospice Society is committed to protecting Canadians inside the healthcare system so they can access authentic Palliative Care.

Our FREE Do Not Euthanize (DNE) Defence Kit provides the tools needed to defend you and your loved ones from the encroachment of euthanasia (MAiD) and the erosion of Palliative Care services.

Delta Hospice Society’s FREE Do Not Euthanize DNE Defence Kit comes complete with the following:

This legal document protects holders against attempts to have their lives terminated unnaturally through medical intervention.  Our Advance Directives are also legally specific for all Canadian provinces and territories and comply with each province’s health regulations.

This Declaration protects you from being spoken to about Medical Assistance in Dying (“MAiD”) as a healthcare option.  Make sure that any healthcare provider understands that under no circumstances would you consider euthanasia to be a health care “option”.  This declaration is intended to be enforceable and legally binding.

Each wallet-sized DNE Card has a unique National Registry number, which is registered on our secure National Database.  In the event of an emergency, any health care provider can contact us for more information.

Simply fill out the form below:

Delta Hospice Society’s work has never been more necessary than it is now because of limited healthcare resources and an increasingly aging population. Our work is made possible entirely by donations—we receive no government funding whatsoever. Your membership and monthly giving helps us reach more families in need of caring assistance. Thank you for your generous support.