Counterpoint Interview

Join Tanya Granic Allen as she welcomes Angelina Ireland, Executive Director of Delta Hospice Society.  The time has come to talk truth about the Canadian Medical System and demand Sanctuary for the living.


9 responses to “Counterpoint Interview”

  1. Bruce Irving Avatar
    Bruce Irving

    I love Tanya’s shows. She’s not owned by MSM. Do you know the name
    Angelina means Angel. Thank Goodness for Angelina. Our Dictator has
    gone on record saying he was disgusted Canada was founded by White
    Europeans. He said he can change things. How about using MAID to kill
    all the old white people. Have you ever heard this? Do you want to make Conservatives mad ? Lie to them. Do you want to make Liberals
    mad. Tell them the truth.

  2. If you are ever in the Edmonton region, I would like to have you address our seniors in our church in Wetaskiwin.
    Margaret Oosterhof

  3. Charles Lewis Avatar
    Charles Lewis

    Every Canadian Catholic should have deep admiration for Tanya and Angelina. They are out there battling when so many wait for someone else to do the heavy lifting. God bless you both. Charlie Lewis

  4. Helen heffernan Avatar
    Helen heffernan

    Thank you God for Angelina and Delta Hospice Society. For just $10.00 a year, every Canadian should become a member and demand that we have sanctuary places where we can be safe from MAID. Elections are coming up very soon in Ontario – now is the time to put the pressure on all politicians to provide these sanctuary places. Instead of sending money to political parties, send it to Delta Hospice Society and they’ll make sure the parties see what is important to the electorate. Don’t give politicians or the medical establishment permission to kill you,
    (instead of treating you) because you are in pain (or the latest, because you are depressed!!!)

  5. John Leforestier Avatar
    John Leforestier

    Don’t ever do business with a government. You’ll go crazy.

  6. Judy Hagen Avatar

    I was one of the members who “hung onto the phone” for hours in order to vote to keep only Hospice members on the Board. Bravo to all their workers.

    1. My wife and I (from Osoyoos, BC – the ‘second highest aged’ of all BC municipalities) were also glued to the phone for the long sessions about voting.

    2. Thank you Judy & Jacob! That was indeed a challenging trial and we are so very grateful to you and all of our supporters who endured to help us to protect authentic life-affirming Palliative Care.

  7. Daniel Largy Avatar
    Daniel Largy

    Send this video to MP, MPP and Territorial representative. Federal election coming up in the spring. Ontario election February 27/25.

    Daniel Largy

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Delta Hospice Society’s work has never been more necessary than it is now because of limited healthcare resources and an increasingly aging population. Our work is made possible entirely by donations—we receive no government funding whatsoever. Your membership and monthly giving helps us reach more families in need of caring assistance. Thank you for your generous support.