Author: admin
Waiter, Death Please.
Join Rodney Palmer as he interviews the proponents and the opponents of death by your doctor in Canada: Dr. Joel Zivot, Anesthesiologist and ICU Physician; Dr. Georges L’Espérance, President, Right to Die With Dignity Quebec; Angelina Ireland, Executive Director, Delta Hospice Society; and Nicole Scheidl, Executive Director, Canadian Physicians for Life. Talk Nation Radio ·…
Interview with Tanya Gaw
Angelina Ireland, Executive Director of the Delta Hospice Society, joins Tanya Gaw to expose the ongoing threat of the liberal government’s ever expanding euthanasia program, which could be described as a killing protocol for the diseased, disabled, and depressed. Concealed under a deceptively crafted marketing scheme, Euthanasia is framed as “compassionate”, “dying with dignity” or…
Western Standard Article
A new article by Lee Harding at “Western Standard” focuses on Angelina Ireland’s battle cry to “stop the Canadian Cull!”.
Introduction to Delta Hospice Society
Angelina Ireland provides a brief introduction to the mission of the DHS.
Inteview with Rod at CHP Talks
Angelina updates Rod Taylor on the latest Delta Hospice Society information in a fantastic interview on CHP Talks.